Board and Management

Simon Coyle
President & CEO
Mr. Coyle has held several senior operational management positions in a range of commodities including gold, iron ore, manganese and lithium. Prior to joining Velox, Simon held the position of Head of Port and Operational Development, and before that, General Manager of Operations for Pilbara Minerals’ hard-rock lithium operation, Pilgangoora, where he oversaw a team of approximately 650 people and successfully led the development and expansion of the operation to become a major producer of spodumene concentrate.

Nicole Morcombe
Non-Executive Director
Nicole is a finance professional with a background in economics, finance and accounting. She has spent almost 20 years in the financial markets and has extensive advisory and capital markets experience specialising in the Global Materials and Energy sectors. She spent the bulk of her career identifying, advising and financing early-stage and pre-development companies. Nicole is a co-founder of Kotai Energy.

Mark Connelly
Non-Executive Director
Mark Connelly has extensive experience and involvement in exploration, development and mining projects, including the merger of Papillon Resources with B2 Gold Corp and the merger of Adamus Resources with Endeavour Mining. He is currently Non-Executive Chairman at Calidus Resources Limited (appointed January 2018), Omnia Metals Group Limited (appointed May 2021), Alto Metals Limited (appointed October 2022), Warriedar Resources Limited (Appointed November 2022), NickelSearch Limited (appointed April 2023) and BeMetals Corporation (appointed July 2020) and a Non-Executive Director at Renegade Exploration Limited (appointed February 2022).
Mr Connelly is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, a member of the Australian Institute of Management and a member of the Society of Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration.

Michael Griffiths
Director, VP Exploration
Michael is a qualified geologist, a Fellow of AusIMM, and a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors with more than 35 years of experience covering all facets of the minerals and energy sector, including over 20 years’ experience in Africa with roles ranging from Geologist to Managing Director of a producing copper company.
Teams under Mike’s guidance have brought 3 gold projects totalling over 6 Moz to the feasibility stage.